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Umbilical Cord Blood: Explained And Made Easy

Have you been wondering about the nature and uses of umbilical cord blood? Are you unsure as to whether you might need at some point or the other? Worry no more! Understanding the characteristics and benefits of umbilical cord blood is one great way of keeping yourself updated with the modern medical advances.

Basics Of Cord Blood

The following points will enable you to understand the nature of this great medical advancement in a concise manner:

           Cord Blood is the remaining blood in the umbilical cord of the mother after the baby has been delivered.
           Collection of cord blood takes only about 5 minutes.
           It is a safe procedure, and harms neither the mother nor the baby.
           It is available to be used immediately.
           It does not require 100% match between the donor and the recipient.
           It takes minimum time for use after it has been collected.
           It can be used in treatment for both adults and children.
           Cord tissue has the ability to differentiate into a plethora of tissues and cells.

Collection Of Cord Blood

Cord blood has to be collected immediately after the baby has been delivered. The prenatal development time frame of the child marks the formulation of cord blood and can be easily found in the fetal circulation, placenta as well as the umbilical cord. The stem cells are acquired from cord blood that remains in the placenta and the umbilical cord. Once the blood has been collected, it is sent to the laboratory, where the stem cells are extracted with caution from the blood. The blood cells are then frozen in liquid nitrogen until needed for. When the requirement arises the stem cells are thawed and administered to a sick patient intravenously which helps in their treatment.
Cord blood preservation can hence be the light of the new medical era!


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